每年, instructors in the Teacher Education Division contact the principals of schools that employ BUF graduates who have earned the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education in the previous academic year and who are now working as public and private school teachers. Principals are asked to rate these first-year teachers in terms of the Elementary Education Program Student Learning Outcomes (which mirror the State of Florida’s FEAPS—Florida Educator Accomplished Practices). 这些问题询问毕业生在各个方面的表现,如:有效沟通, 为学生提供学习高阶思维技能的机会, 创建安全, 公平的, 刺激的课堂环境, 对主题有足够的了解, 制定与发展相适应且具有吸引力的学习计划, 并使用适当的技术来提供教学.
Baptist University of Florida has set a goal of maintaining a minimum 73% positive response rate for first-year evaluation of the graduates of its Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education Program. 73%的最低目标是基于这些毕业生最近评估率的平均值(98%)。. 然后,这个平均值被减少了25%,以得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.
相反, Baptist University of Florida has set an aspirational goal of reaching a 100% positive response rate for first-year evaluations of the graduates of its Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education Program. 第一年评估100%的理想目标是基于这些毕业生最近的平均评估率, 但随后又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,对于一个较小的国家来说,这表明它取得了重大成就, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.
用于2023年9月的雇主满意度调查, 没有结果(前一年没有小学教育文学学士学位的毕业生)。. 教师教育司目前正在重新设计这项调查,以收集更广泛的数据.