Federal Distance Education Disclosure


Authorization to Offer Online Education
Distance Education Complaints by SARA Students
Refund Policies



Authorization to Offer Online Education


Baptist University of Florida participates with NC-SARA (国家互惠协议授权国家委员会),以便为49个州的学生提供在线教育, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. California is not included in NC-SARA. For more information about NC-SARA, please visit www.nc-sara.org.


佛罗里达浸会大学是一所非公立(私立)高等教育机构,非营利性和认证. Per Section 94801.5 of the California Education Code, 佛罗里达浸会大学不需要在加州私立高等教育局注册,可以为居住在加利福尼亚州的学生提供在线课程.

Distance Education Complaints by SARA Students

Distance Education (Online) Student Complaints

根据NC-SARA(国家授权互惠协议全国委员会)参与的州外远程教育学生,如果已经完成了内部机构申诉程序和适用的州申诉程序,可以向佛罗里达州SARA委员会提出非教学投诉. For additional information on the complaint process, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint Process page at http://www.fldoe.org/sara/complaint-process.stml.

Refund Policies

Refund Policies

有关退款政策的信息也可在 College Catalog in the Finances Section.

Drop/Add Refund Policy

在开课前或任何学期的退课/加课期间退课的学生将全额退还学费和杂费. 在Drop/Add周期结束后,Drop将不被退款. In the Fall and Spring semesters, 删除/添加从学期的第一天开始,持续七个日历天, not class days (see the BUF Academic Calendar). In the eleven-week Summer session, 删除/添加从第一个上课日开始,延长七个日历日(不是上课日).

Regular Withdrawal Refund Policy



Fall and Spring Semesters (Days=Calendar Days)

1-7 days 100%
8-14 days 90%
15-21 days 50%
22-28 days 50%
29-65 days 25%
Later None

Summer Withdrawal Refund Policy



Eleven Week Summer Courses (Days=Calendar Days)

1-7 days 100%
8-14 days 80%
15-21 days 50%
22-45 days 25%
Later None



作为我们参与国家授权互惠协议国家委员会(NC-SARA)承诺的一部分, 佛罗里达浸会大学希望所有学生都了解我们课程中的专业执照课程. BUF currently has two such programs - the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and the Bachelor of Music Education. 这两个项目已获佛罗里达州教育部批准,时间为2014-2024年, BME 2018-2024).


Florida Certification Information



北卡罗来纳大学其他与教育有关的学位课程(Education Studies and History/Social Studies Secondary Education),完成其中一个学位并不会导致专业执照. 完成这些课程之一的学生可以通过另一种认证途径获得专业执照.

Florida Contact Information

有兴趣获得佛罗里达州教师证书的学生应联系佛罗里达州教育部, Bureau of Educator Certification, Room 201, Turlington Building, 325 West Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, (800-445-6739), http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/index.stml.


居住在佛罗里达州以外的完全在线学生可以注册 Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education or Bachelor of Music Education degrees. However, 这两个项目的所有新生都必须通过佛罗里达州教师资格考试的所有部分,并且必须在佛罗里达州的公共教室完成实习. 因此,完成这两个学位中的任何一个都可以 only to professional licensure in the State of Florida.

一旦获得佛罗里达专业证书, 学生可以在他们居住的州申请互惠教学证书. 根据我们掌握的最新信息(2023年1月), 我们可以提供以下关于其他州互惠教学证书的信息:

  1. 以下各州授予相互认证(假设提交有效的专业执照), a completed application, transcripts, fees, verification of identification, background checks, and other required documentation): Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming.
  2. 以下几个州授予互惠认证,并有额外的要求(比如额外的测试或其他获得全面认证的步骤), Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
  3. 以下各州不授予互惠认证,但提供了在提交有效的专业执照的基础上申请教师证书的选择, verification of identification, transcripts, background checks, and other requirements: Kentucky, Montana, New York, Utah, and the US Virgin Islands.
  4. At this time, 我们无法确定以下州和/或地区是否提供互惠认证:加州(不是NC-SARA的成员), and Puerto Rico.


Melodee Davis
Baptist University of Florida
5400 College Drive
Graceville, FL 32440
850-263-3260, x416